skin boosters

skin boosters
increase hydration and treat superficial fine lines
Injectable skin boosters play a vital role in increasing skin hydration and addressing superficial fine lines. With age, the skin experiences a significant reduction in collagen producing molecules, leading to thinning in certain facial areas. Certain acidic molecules in your skin are responsible for maintaining skin hydration, youthfulness, and plumpness. Skin boosters consist of collagen inducing molecules, often mixed with a numbing agent, making them an ideal choice for restoring what we lose due to ageing and sun exposure.
This treatment involves the use of a tiny needle to superficially inject micro boluses of skin boosters evenly across the entire face or specific problem areas. The result is radiant, hydrated skin, making it a perfect option before special events. After the treatment, you may experience some redness, spots, and occasional bruising. We recommend undergoing this treatment 3-4 times, spaced 3-4 weeks apart, for optimal results.
Frequently asked questions
What are skin boosters and how do they work?
Collagen inducing molecules play a crucial role in keeping our skin hydrated and healthy.
With the passage of time, our body's natural collagen molecules depletes significantly, leading to a loss in skin elasticity and thickness.
Our Skin Boosters are designed to replenish your collagen levels, enhance radiance and hydration, stimulate more collagen production, and rejuvenate mature skin. By utilising a patented blend of collagen inducing molecules, antioxidants, amino acids, minerals, and vitamins, we can help prevent premature ageing and rejuvenate the skin for a youthful and healthy appearance.
What results can I expect from this treatment?
Research on this treatment has shown that clients typically experience:
- A remarkable 61% increase in skin hydration.
- A significant 60% improvement in skin glow.
- A notable 56% increase in skin elasticity.
- A substantial 59% enhancement in skin texture.
What is the downtime with this procedure?
You may encounter minor bruising and redness, and small bumps at the injection sites, which typically subside within 24-48 hours.
How many treatments do i need?
The ideal regimen typically consists of 3 sessions, each spaced 3 weeks apart. For maintenance, it's recommended to have 1 session 3 times per year.
What areas can be treated with skin boosters?
Skin Boosters can enhance skin quality not only on the face but also on the hands, neck, and décolletage.
When can I expect results?
You can expect to see initial improvements immediately after your treatment, with the skin appearing more radiant, hydrated, and supple. The best results, however, will become most noticeable after completing the full course of treatments.
How long do the results last?
The duration of results can vary based on factors like skin type, age, treated area, and injection technique. To maintain the best results, we recommend having three maintenance sessions per year.
Can I receive skin boosters while breast feeding?
It is generally recommended to avoid undergoing cosmetic procedures, including skin boosting injections, while breastfeeding.